mercredi 4 décembre 2019



MOMNOUGUI  Robert-Alain

Telecommunication Regulatory Board of Cameroon

- State Telecommunication Engineer

Inspector in charge of monitoring the program of granting of the Exploitation and management of scarce resources  

°Tel: +237 699776099/+237 694725722







                    °Pobox 6132  & Private 6247 Yaoundé Rep. of   



Nationality: Cameroonian 

Date and place of birthday: 22nd of October 1968 in Yaoundé

Marital Status: maried



Telecommunication Regulatory Board of Cameroon 2000-2025


22nd January 2025, Inspector in charge of monitoring the program of granting of the Exploitation and management of scarce resources 

-17th January 2023, Technical Advisor 

-11th December 2021,S/Director in charge of Interconnection and Electronic Infrastructure of  Electronic Communication.


-19th october 2021 , S/Director  in charge of Spectrum Planning and Engineering Studies at the Directorate of Frequency Management ;


-27 May 2020, S/Director in Charge of Technical affairs in Regional Delegation of Garoua for North, Adamawa &, Far-North


-18 July 2017, S/Director in Charge of Technical affairs in Regional Delegation of Douala for Littoral, West,

  North-West and South-West;


-August 2015, S/Director of Strategic Planning & Prospective;


-August 2013, S/Director of statistics & Follow up of Cybersecurity;


-April 2010, S.Director of Enquiries & Statistics;


-20 June 2008, Appointed Head  of Statistics Unit in Studies & Forecast Department;

-24 April 2007, elected Staff representative in Telecommunication Regulatory Board of Cameroon;

-January 2006, Head of Cryptography Section in Management of Frequencies Department;

-2002-2005, Head of Studies section n°1/ Studies & Forecast Department/Telecommunications  

 development Unit;


-2000-2001,  Head of computer Service  in Telecommunication Regulatory Board;


-2000, Head of Studies & Forecast team.



-2018, September, Operating Title Management Procedures: From Demand to Acquisition to Commissioning with Various Controls;


-2018, Broadband, Fiber Optic (FTTx):

Problems of managing the “last mile” or local loop, type of link according to local, national and international level;


-2018, August, Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and telecommunications infrastructures;


-2018, June, DRD Mini Data Centre, DRD online sharing community, online questionnaire, database, DRD information system;


-2017, November, Convergence of electronic information systems and communications towards regulatory convergence;


-2016, June, Digital Economy Regulation, DG/DSP/DSPP,


Yaoundé Advanced School of  Polytechnic _2001

-2001, Teaching, computer architecture Courses _4thyear  electric & telecommunications



Ministry of Higher Education-Douala University 1997-1999

-1997-1999, Technology University Institute of University of Douala, Teaching in computer  


         Datas Transmissions, local Network enterprise and teleprocessing Courses;  

         Electronic Courses;
         Information System Coded courses;  
         Information server Courses;  
         Digital Electronic and micro-computer environment courses.  

National Advanced School of Posts & Telecommunications, 1993-1997  

-Teaching in  National Advanced School of  Posts & Telecommunications;

         Datas Transmissions, local Network enterprise et teleprocessing Courses;  

         Electronic Courses;

         Audiofrequencies Courses;

         Microprocessor Courses.



Higher Studies

-2017, American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) and the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) are offering the Program on International Communication Regulation and Policy.

Certificate in International Communication Regulation and Policy, Certificate in B.P.I.l C.R. P;

-2009, graduate in Diploma in Telecommunications Management, DTMS 2009 CTO training;

-2005, HSP(Higher School of Polytechnic) of Yaoundé : Post Graduation (Master Degree with Thesis in Telecommunication Engineering), defending the thesis on : MANAGEMENT IN VIRTUAL MODE TELECOMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENT: Contributions in Strategic and decisional Models and

tools of ICT for developing Organization.


Between  2003 and 2005, Mr. MOMNOUGUI Robert-Alain is PIONEER, AUTHOR  of 6  research and innovation platforms in Higher School of Polytechnic:

-ICT Strategic Analysis  for developing organization, few questions for evolution in Cameroon : Definitions, Statistics;

- Multicriteria studies and methods in view of coherent and cohesion decision, convergence in Telecommunication environment management;

-Analysis of signalizations systems  with adapted procedures and  protocols for VPN(Virtual Private Network) to ameliorate collaborative work;

-Integrated System, modeling, conception and realization project object  on-line reservation, resulting from virtual management chart : a solution of strategic principle for developing organization;

 - Manager Universal Evaluation and ICT medium  by fuzzy questionnaires: Contribution to a general Analysis method to subjective datas with coupled answers and generalized implicit solutions;

-SOLUTION OF E-SERVICES MANAGEMENT IN A PARTICULAR FIELD, EDUCATION : Environment  virtual student with trial tool  in cryptographic methodology for alphabetical characters. 

-1999-C.U.D  (University Cooperation in Development)- Namur University(FUNDP) – Catholic University of Louvain La neuve -Liège University. Graduation in Multimedia Expertise, works carried out on: Virtual reality applied on education: information code(encrypted)Course - cryptographic Methodology in  multimedias datas;

 -1997, INRIA(Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique)[National Research in Computer science and Automatic] Rocquencourt_Paris_France, Research and  invitation of W3C President on  African  Cultural Asset & ICT, implementation of african technology standard. respect for W3C technology standard, interactive multichoice objects: masks, statues and  picture  realized  in  multiple view and computer-generated imagery –The forecast of works is oriented on  synchronization picture and sounds;

 -1994-1998, NHSP(National Higher  School of Polytechnic) of Yaoundé, Post graduate, Research in Tele-teaching, in a research team  with the project: TELESUN(A World Wide Multimedia for TELEteaching System for Universities) INCO European project: cooperation with  developing countries- NHSP of Yaoundé, Catho. Louv. Laneuve Univ.-Belgium, IMAG Grenoble-France, INSA  Lyon-France. 

Between1994 & 1998, Mr. MOMNOUGUI Robert-Alain is PIONEER, AUTHOR  of 5 platforms of research & innovation project Polytechnic Higher School:      

*Contributions on Antennas Teleteaching  Course, contribution in modeling and realization normalized interactive videogram under MPEG2 synthesis picture;        

*1996, Paper entitled HTML for the Example, Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, LETS_Higher School of Polytechnic;

*1996, The higher Education in Cameroon on Internet(The 1st  official Website of Cameroon);             

*1996, Cameroonian Cultural Asset & ICT, Electronic publication, originality on  multichoice interactive objects: masks & statues with picture  realized  in  multiple view and computer-generated imagery in  zoom on WEB;            

*1998, Multimedia encrypt tool by DES(Data Encryption System) algorithm  applied in multimedia on line course on  antennas;

 -1990-1993, Oran Telecommunications Institute in Algeria : _ Graduate, State

Telecommunication Engineer,   Defending the Thesis on: Computer learning: Conception and

realization of  X.25   (Access protocol  in package switching datas transmission network) course;

-1987-1989, Sétif Sciences & Technology University  in Algeria: 1st University degree, 1st  &  2sd year technology common branch;

-October 1987, Obtaining Algero-camerounian Cooperation scholarship for  Sciences and Technologies Higher Studies;

-July 1987, Admit in Farming Engineer Examination,  in Farming Engineer Higher School of Dschang-Cameroon.

Secondary Studies: 1980/1981-1986/1987

General Leclerc High School of Yaoundé(Cameroon) ;

-1987, (form7 D) : Graduate on Baccalauréat-(General Certificate Advanced level) in Mathematics and Natural  Sciences;

-1986, (form6 D) : Graduate on Probatoire,( General Certificate O’level).


Joss High School of Douala(Cameroon)

-1985,  (form5 scientist C);

-1984, (form4 German class): Graduate on B.E.P.C (General Certificate of 1st level).


CES Secondary School of Yaoundé(Cameroon)

-1982/1983, (form3 German); 

-1981/1982, (form2);



Primaries & Nurseries studies: 1972-1980

- Catholic Primary School of Mvolyé in Yaoundé graduate C.E.P.E (Certificate of Primaries &  

  Elementaries Studies) class6;

- Catholic Primary School of  Retraite  in Yaoundé classes 5& 4;

-Public School of  Gendarmerie in Yaoundé(Cameroon), class3;

-Catholic Primary School  in  Bertoua in Yaoundé(Cameroon),  Class2;

-Saint Esprit Primary School of  Ngaoundéré(Cameroon), class1 & nursery

-1980, Admission in 1st class secondary school.   



 -April 2023, in operation since September 2022, Member of the CERS Operational Team/Component by Decision No. 00000046/MPT-D/SG/DAG-DIR of 11 April 2023 of MINPOSTEL, Noting the transitional unit of ad hoc management of the National Emergency Telecommunications Network in Cameroon.

CERS: Emergency Communications System (CERS), an integrated emergency call management system that aims to ensure the support of distress calls from any subscriber holding a mobile terminal with or without a chip. It is an effective emergency management tool that automates and refines emergency management functions, including fast and accurate incident management and access to information such as databases. It also enables two-way communications between dispatchers and mobile units;

-2023, March, Focal Point ART PAGIRN-PPTIC (Regional and National Infrastructure Governance Support Programme in Central Africa).  the European Union offers support to the governance of regional and national infrastructures for the strengthening of operators' management, planning, research and advocacy capacities, as well as the implementation of structuring activities, specific to the transport, energy, information and communication technologies (ICT) sectors in Central African countries. The National Focal Point is MINPOSTEL PTRD;

-2023, 10 February, Focal Point (for PATNUC (Project to accelerate digital transformation in Cameroon). It aims to pursue reforms and policies in the ICT sector; to improve citizens' digital skills; promote the development of Digital Applications and Services and increase the reach and use of digital services to boost employment and entrepreneurship in Cameroon. The project is divided into three main components. The specific objective of the first component of the project is to enable the establishment of new institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to the growth of the digital sector, the strengthening of digital trust, the creation of digital platforms and the acquisition of relevant equipment for a secure and resilient development of digital services in Cameroon. The second component will focus on stimulating the local market by facilitating Internet access and inclusive use of ICTs in the country’s economic development fabric. Its specific objective is to promote the expansion of digital networks in rural areas by focusing on underserved localities, mainly through public-private partnerships (PPPs), to improve the availability of mobile broadband service in these communities. It will also improve the connectivity of the "last mile" to major public entities such as hospitals, schools and local administrations;

-2018, QOS and QOE Monitoring Equipment Acquisition Reference Terms Project, Mobile Quality and Continuous and Large-Scale Service Level Verification: Preparing for Blockchain Regulation;

 -2018, Draft Prototype, Procedure Model and Indicator Implementation for Spectral Occupancy Control Data Measures Related to the 4th Industrial Revolution;

-2018, Draft Terms of Reference for the Mapping of Electronic Communications Operators, Operators and Service Providers through the Acquisition, Configuration and Management of Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems;

-2016, Member of the Steering Committee and Technical reporter in the Technical Commission responsible for carrying out in partnership with the National Institute of Statistics (INS) a Survey on “the vulnerability and supervision of children in the use of ICT in Cameroon” and “The level of consumer satisfaction in the use of ICT products and services of operators, including Mobile money, mobile banking and advertising offers in Cameroon”: IDI, IPB, ISC

-2015-2016, Member of Steering Committee to set the Strategic Plan of the Telecommunication Regulatory Board of Cameroon;


Details of the book:








Language of the author


Robert-Alain Momnougui

Nomber of pages:







Network & Data Communication


2014, Member of the Steering Committee and Technical reporter of the Technical Committee of the Survey on the Conduct of the Study on Access, Uses and Perceptions of Telecommunications Services in Cameroon. It is a question of collecting, centralizing, processing and analysing all the statistical information necessary for the monitoring of the telecommunications market with the INS as a technical partner. A dual objective was to produce the basic indicators on household access to ICT and to calculate the synthetic indicators of ICT including the Digital Access Index and the ICT Development Index;

-27 August 2013, “Network security in Cameroon: the challenges of regulating the future, convergence of systems towards regulatory convergence” By Robert Alain MOMNOUGUI, publication and presentation made at the first National Forum on Internet Governance organized by the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC) at the « Palais des Congrès de Yaoundé » in Cameroon from 27 to 29 August 2013; 

November 2011, National and International Traffic Control Tool Acquisition in Telecommunications Networks Reference Terms Project for the Verification of Survey and Statistical Data Collected;

-October 2011, IMPACT OF CLOUD COMPUTING UPON THE AFRICAN REGULATION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS By Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI* ART- ARCEP-TELECOM PARIS TECH 26 october 2011 Author(s) : Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, (CARET) Conférence Africaine de la Régulation et de l'Economie des Télécommunications –African Conference for the regulation and Telecommunication Economy- The 26 to 28 october 2011,


-October 2011, MANAGEMENT IN VIRTUAL MODE TELECOMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENT: Contributions in Strategic and decisional Models and tools of ICT for developing Organization;


Keywords: Management,  virtual mode, developing organisation , telecommunication environment, digital environment, universal manager, convergence, e-services, information system, fuzzy logic, control system, operating system , universal access,  multicriteria, organisation focus on, strategic decision-making tools ICT, collaborative digital, universal personnel,  balanced scorecard.élécommunication


Editions universitaires européennes ( 14.10.2011 )  Author(s) : Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Emmanuel Tonyè, Charles Awono Onana Details of the book: ISBN-13: 978-613-1-59826-5
ISBN-10: 6131598266
EAN: 9786131598265
Language of th book: French


Nomber of pages: 216
Published on: 14.10.2011
Category: Network, Datas Communication
copyright © 2011


-2010, Member of the Steering Committee and rapporteur of the Technical Committee of the Survey on the Conduct of the Study on Access, Uses and Perceptions of Telecommunications Services in Cameroon Survey on the Impact of the Low Cost of Nocturnal Communications on Young Consumers;


-November 2009, graduate in Diploma in Telecommunications Management, DTMS 2009 CTO training;

-June 2009, The statistics cell Guide (30 pages), Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Copyright (c) 2009;


-June 2009, The Unit Statistics guide 28 pages;


-2008-2017, Co-Technical Secretary of the Steering Committee of the Observatory of the Markets of Telecommunications and Electronic Communications, meeting four times a year, this Committee conducts a summary presentation of the state of development of the electronic communications sector in Cameroon during one year;


-June 2007, "Understand cryptology stakes  in  Cameroon-Problematic and contribution for bylaw & regulation"-P.P. 28-30, “NOUVELLES DE L'ART” Information and Analysis Magazine  of Telecommunication Regulatory Board of Cameroon  N°19, Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Copyright (C) 2007;


-2006, Understand cryptology in the reglementary, regulatory, and  legal framework copiryght © Robert-Alain Momnougui;


-2005, MANAGEMENT IN VIRTUAL MODE TELECOMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENT: Contributions in Strategic and decisional Models and tools of ICT for developing Organization.
 Post Graduation (Master Degree with Thesis in Telecommunication Engineering);


-2001, Main computer & network plan of  Telecommunication Regulatory Board of Cameroon;


-1999, Digital creation center, virtual University on line- virtual realities applied in Education: Information encoded course- Cryptography Methodology  multimedia datas © copyright Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Pr Rémon Marcel-expertise multimedia-CUD, ,;


-1998Multimedia encrypt tool by DES(Data Encryption System) algorithm  applied in multimedia on line course on  antennas-Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Pr Tonyè Emmanuel;


-1997, INRIA(Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique)[National Research in Computer science and Automatic] Rocquencourt_Paris_France, Research and  invitation of W3C President on  African Cultural Asset & ICT, implementation of african technology standard respect for W3C technology standard, interactive multichoice objects: masks, statues and  picture  realized  in  multiple view and computer-generated imagery –The forecast of works is oriented on  synchronization picture and audio , Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Antoinette BALLA, Yves PEYNAUD et Cathérine CHAT © Copyright 1997;


-1996, Cameroonian Cultural Asset & ICT, Electronic publication, originality on  multichoice interactive objects: masks, statues and picture  realized  in  multiple view and computer-generated imagery in  zoom on WEB. Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Emmanuel TONYE, Paul LOLO, ESSOMBA, URL : ;


-1996, The higher Education in Cameroon on Internet(The 1st  official Website web Cameroon), Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, Emmanuel TONYE, Isabelle TURMAINE, WETTE, KENFACK,  URL :;


-1996, Paper intituled HTML for the Example, Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI, LETS_Higher School of Polytechnic , Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI;


-1994-1998, NHSP(National Higher School of Polytechnic) of Yaoundé, Post graduate, Research in Tele-teaching, in a research team  with the project: TELESUN(A World Wide Multimedia for TELEteaching System for Universities) INCO european project: cooperation with  developing countries- NHSP of Yaoundé, Catho. Louv. Laneuve Univ.-Belgium, IMAG Grenoble-France, INSA  Lyon-France ;


-1994 et 1993, Oran Telecommunications Institute in Algeria : _ Graduate, State Telecommunication Engineer, Defending the Thesis on: Computer learning: Conception and realization of  X.25 (Access protocol  in package switching datas transmission network) course; Communication and publication, Seminar’s press on e-learning, computer, and tele-teaching ESSEP-Oran-1994 .


-March 14 - may 28, 2017, Certificate in International Communication Regulation and Policy, Certificate in B.P.I.l C.R. P

American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) and the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) are offering the Program on International Communication Regulation and Policy;


February-March 2017, Broadband Technologies and Infrastructure Training Seminar, Geographic Information System Training, as part of the implementation of the ART Cameroon contract on “INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES DEVELOPMENT IN THE CAMEROON COMMUNICATIONS SECTOR”, held in Vincennes, France by and at the TACTIS Cabinet Headquarters;


-May 2014, Certificate of Completion upon “The Cryptographic Techniques For the Regulation of Electronic Communication with respect to Cybersecurity and Cybercriminality, CTO with TMG Consultancy UK;


-November 2009, Diploma in Telecommunications Management Studies-CTO;


-May 2008, Certificate of Qualification Upon Completion of the Spectrum Management & Engineering System Training Course For The “Systeme Automatisé de Gestion Administrative du Spectre” SAGATS, Tadiran  Spectraline, Elisra ES, Tadiran ES;  


-February 2008, Certificate of Attendance upon Strategic Human Ressources, CTO;


-October 2007, Certificate of Qualification Upon Completion of the Spectrum Monitoring System Training Course for the Republic of Cameroon, Tadiran Electronic Systems LTD, Eisra;


-August 2007, Certified upon Staff Representative Training, Optima Council, TRB CEO;


-July 2007, Certified upon administrative editing, Optima Council, TRB CEO;


-June 2007, Certificate of Frequency Spectrum Allocation and Management, Nokia Siemens Network, Techcom Consulting, CTO;


-February 2007, Certificate upon VOIP in Developing Countries training, Sri Lanka Telecom, CTO;


-28 march-01st April 2005, Certificate of Completion upon training in Design of Satellite communication systems using VSAT, CTO;


-November 26, 2004, Certificate upon training on CCITT N°.7 Migration, Alliances Consulting Group Inc. Toronto, Canada with Karl Hentschel, B.A., Eng., Facilitator in HSPT Yaoundé_Cameroon;


-Certificate upon Training program in Migrating from Circuit Switched  to IP-Based Networks

given in Yaoundé, by Wayne Hart coming from Goulet Telecom International Inc;


-1999, Graduation in Multimedia Expertise, works carried out on :Virtual reality applied on education: information code(encrypted) Course - cryptographic Methodology in  multimedia datas;


-1997, 1998, Program Training to support server installation in Africa french speaker @FRINET-realize with the help of foreign Ministry of Canada and the Technique and cultural cooperation Agency, CENADI (National Center for the Computing Development) of  Yaoundé-April 1997 1st session, February 1998 2nd session : Training aiming to install, configure, and administrate a server under windows NT;


-1997, [National Research in Computer science and Automatic] Rocquencourt_Paris_France, Research and  invitation of W3C President on  African  Cultural Asset & ICT, implementation of african technology standard, respect for W3C technology standard, interactive multichoice objects: masks, statues and figurative picture  realize  in  multiple view and computer-generated imagery –The forecast of works is oriented on  synchronization picture and sounds;


-1995-02-06 to 1995-02-09, 1st GSM (Global system of Mobile) training in Cameroon, Mobile communication system D900, A30181-X1711-X100-03-7635, seminary held in Post & Telecommunication Advanced School of Yaoundé (Cameroon),  delivered by Siemens Training Center for Communication Networks; 

-1992, Training on ARF Oran telephonic Central in Algeria;


-1990, Training on Yaoundé  Telephonic Central in Cameroon.



-July 2016 –August 2017, Engineer in charge of the follow up of the execution of the contract upon “The realization of the study with the aim of the development of infrastructures and broadband in the sector of electronic communications in Cameroon”;


-June 2002, Report member in Public Market specialized control commission  for the SDH link of CAMTEL, Bankolo-Meyonmessala;


-February 2002, invited Member in Public Market specialized commission AO n°0002/CSM/ART2001-2002 du 13/02/2002;


-2002, President of Analysis sub-commission  AO n°001/CIM/SC-AOT for TRB staff in computing;


-January 2001 Member of the ministry of Territorial administration sub commission of market analysis  n°17/CMM/MINAT .



-2010, Director of Application Telecommunication Engineers  of the NASPT of Yaoundé degrees;


-2000 et 2001, Director of Application Engineers in computer Sciences-IAI,  DUT, Higher Technicians (Inst. Ndi Samba, Siantou)-Degrees & Trainees coming in TRB;


 -1997-1999, Director of Higher Technicians  in computer Sciences in UTI of Douala Degrees;


-1994-1997, Director of Application Telecommunication Engineers and Higher Telecommunication Technicians   of the NASPT of Yaoundé degrees.



         Telecommunications and ICT

-Model QOS and QOE control and monitoring procedures on new generations of electronic communications;


-Model spectrum control and monitoring procedures on new generations of electronic communications, including 4;


-Management of research projects in Telecommunications development;


-The Structural, functional and operational of ICT;


-Management and optimization of QOS for regulation telecommunication operators for best services  

  and access for Telecommunication Network; 

-Related questions concerning convergence techniques , How to reach towards new Technologies  (protocols Ip, WIMAX, 2nd- 3rd generation of mobile, the interactive TV, Tele conference) and Classic Telecommunications to advise and allow to facilitate an adequate network framework and create structural and functional framework to avoid ability conflict;


-Related questions concerning  management of IP numbers and assigned names;


-Reflexions about « access provider » regulation control and strategy;   


-The Strategic advice on the development and deployment of Telecommunications infrastructure;


-Training strategy of workgroup for  the efficiency of enterprise works;


-The Technico-legal action in regulation, knowledge of texts;


-Research for solutions des customer on new accesses and services;


-Development of university expertise & research in balance between University/Enterprise and the   

 exploitation  of research works related in telecommunications.



-Encoding Information;


-Studies and reflexion in reglementation, regulation, control and legal environment of cryptology;


-System Cryptology WIFI, WIMAX (WEP[Wired Equivalent Privacy], WPA[Wifi Protected Access])

-Encrypt Methods


 Computing and Network  


-Architecture, exploitation system, microprocessor, communication between processus(sockets,

 IPC), UNIX system, Androïd;


-Open Environment: graphic interfaces  (X-windows, Unix security), Internet(web development) ;


-Software Engineering: formal system, conception methods, artificial Intelligence: exploitation of  

 expert system, symbolic representation of knowledge.



-Open System Architecture : OSI model , high level, administration and network security;


-Business Data Processing, network: measurement methods, performance study;


-Access, link, local Network (Ethernet, Token Ring), public network(TCP/IP, X25), high speed

 network(FDDI, ATM);


-Communication mechanism: Circuit transfer mode in telephony, message transfer mode, package

 transfer mode, cells transfer mode, INDS, Intelligent Network.


 Exploitation System  

 LINUX (Sun OS, Solaris), UNIX, macOS, DOS ; Androïd.


 Internet Applications, Internet server www Administration, browsers www, ftp, telnet, news, IRC  

 Network analysis tools: LAN and WAN analyzer.


 Office automation Applications and DTP(DeskTop Pulishing)

Winword 2013,2010,2007,  Winword XP, Excel for PC et MAC, Adobe Premiere LE, photoshop and illustrator, with material tool allowing acquisition and processing.


 Computing Language

-C(Under Unix and DOS), Shell(Unix), perl, HTML, Java, Javascript, Pascal

-NANO-TECHNOLOGY [In thematic aspects]  

-Quantum methods




-2024, 26 and 27 November 2024 participation in the 22nd annual meeting of Fratel in Libreville, Gabon under the theme: What business models and strategies for telecom operators in the future? 

-2024,  From 1 to 4 July 2024, in Kampala (Uganda), participation in the Global Symposium of Regulators (GSR-24) where telecommunications regulators and global decision makers met, organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

-2023, 25 and 26 October 2023, participation in the 21st annual meeting of Fratel in Rabat, Morocco under the theme: How to strengthen the objective of user satisfaction in regulation?

-2023, 16–20 October 2023, participation to the "DIGITAL WEEK CAMEROON" organised by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) and the Government of Cameroon at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé. The DIGITAL WEEK was being organised under the theme "TOWARDS A DIGITAL FUTURE" and brougth together local as well as international ICT experts from the Commonwealth and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU);

-2023, 13-23 May, Participation in ITU-R Study Group 5 EC5 Working Group WP 5B on the Maritime Mobile Service including the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS),  the Aeronautical Mobile Service and the Radio Spotting Service (for contributions to the new ART regulation model and preparation of the WRC-2023 or WRC-23 ITU-R Work) in Geneva;


-2022, 10 and 11 November, participation in the 20th annual meeting of Fratel – in the Republic of Mauritius under the theme: Challenges and ways to improve the resilience and security of telecommunications networks;


-2022, 23 and 24 May, participation in the 19th Fratel seminar in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo under the theme: What challenges for the security of new generation networks?


-2016, 2 – 4 NOVEMBER  Commonwealth Spectrum Management Forum, 5G Ecosystem.  Spectrum is a finite and valuable resource that is central to the utilisation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Advances in ICTs bring new demands on the Spectrum every day. Proper planning and optimum use of Spectrum is a key factor that impacts on the development of every country. Managing Spectrum requires a multistakeholder approach, that extends beyond national borders. Priorities of policy makers, regulators, service providers and manufactures have to be given due consideration.


Stakeholders need to engage closely with the international coordination mechanisms of the International Telecommunication Union through the World Radiocommunication Conferences, the next of which is due in 2019. This Forum aims to build the capacity of stakeholders in managing spectrum from planning and assigning to utilising and recovery as well as to help stakeholders prepare for the next World Radio Communication Conference The forum was hold in Yaoundé(Cameroon)  in Mont Fébé Hotel;


-2016, The 7th & the 4th Meetings of the Expert Groups on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI), and resp. on ICT Household Indicators (EGH), took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on 4-7 October 2016, hold by the ITU(International Telecommunication Union);


-2015,The 6th Meeting of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators & 3rd Meeting of the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators(EGTI-EGTH) took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on 22-25 September 2015, hold by the ITU(International Telecommunication Union);


-2013, 11th WTIS-13 - 11th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium hold by the ITU(International Telecommunication Union), Mexico, 2-6 December 2013;


-2000, Overview of Internet & Telecommunication in Cameroon Internet & Telecommunication Summit held in Gambia, hold by CTO(Commonwealth Telecommunication Organization) and ITU(International Telecommunication Union).


-Cameroon Order of Merit Officer Medal (January 24, 2024)

-Medal of the Order of Merit of Cameroon (May 20, 2018)

-Medal of Honour for Work in Vermeil (2022 for May 20, 2019)

-Silver Work Medal of Honour (03 December 2008)   




-English [Certificate for Advanced level  in english classes at the American Language Center]





        Europe : France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland

        North America: Mexico
        North Africa
        West Africa 

        South Africa




Affiliation  and Various

*Member of EGTI(Expert Group of Telecommunication & ICT indicators) & EGH(Expert Group of

 Household) of ITU(International Telecommunication Union);


*Member of Electrical Engineering Order  Cameroon


*Member of the Wordwide Engineer Conference Association 2006;


*Member of Nyong &  Kéllé Development Association;


*Member FUCID (Fondation Universitaire pour la Coopération Internationale et le  

  Développement),  « University Fundation for International Cooperation and for development »;


*Member CAWST(Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology);


*Business auditor a frienship and cultural association;  


*Piano, Tennis, Jogging, Basket ball, Football, Nambudo


Copyright(C) 2025  Robert-Alain MOMNOUGUI

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